Career Story

2011: My First Press Interview
The youth who frequented Pocomo Youth Services were counting on my ability to share their story and as soon as the article was published, I was hooked on the power of raising my voice to make a difference.

2015: My First Leadership role
I happily dove into the responsibility of being the communications manager for Visit Ventura. A role that challenged me to promote our town through engaging internal and external communication skills.

2019: My First LLC
Venturing into the small business world has been the most challenging and rewarding project of all. It's diversified my writing skills and allowed me to explore brand new tones while helping brands find and define their voice.
2010: My First Campaign
Few campaigns have been as fulfilling as Schools Building Schools' 1X1 campaign asking university students to add $1 to their tuition to benefit infrastructure projects for existing vocational schools in East Africa. Having won a university-wide referendum, I couldn't wait to land in Uganda to oversee our first project.

2012: My First Position Abroad
Joining the Japan Exchange and Teaching program was a life-changing experience. The public speaking, diplomacy, and intercultural skills I learned, I continue to carry with me today.

2017: My First Chairperson Role
My Spanish skills earned me a leadership role with the Ventura/Loreto Sister Cities Committee, which I used to pursue a sustainable development project abroad.